
photo credit: 浦公英



這些是我常常聽到的笑話 XD

不要太認真 XD


 How do you hide a $100 dollar bill from a general surgeon?
Just put it in the patient’s notes.

How do you hide a $100 dollar bill from an orthopedic surgeon?
Just put it in a textbook.

How do you hide a $100 bill from a CT surgeon?
Just paste it to their kid's forehead. He will never see it.

How do you hide a $100 dollar bill from a plastic surgeon?
It's a trick question. You can't.

How do you hide a $100 from a radiologist?
Put it on the patient.

How do you hide a $100 from an internist?
Easy, just put it under a dressing.

what do you call 2 medical students looking at a EKG?
a double blind study


knows everything, does nothing

knows nothing, does everything

knows nothing, does nothing

knows everything, does everything but too late
A pathologist


A medical student, family doctor, an internist, a surgeon and a pathologist go duck hunting.

The medical student is the first to raise his shotgun, but unable to tell if the duck is really a duck, he does not shoot.
(醫學生是第一個舉起獵槍的,但是他沒有開槍.. 因為他無法分別那是否真的是一隻鴨子)

The family doctor goes "here's a bird", shoots, kills. He concludes "it looked like a duck, sounded like a duck, was killed by duck shot, it was a duck!".

The internist points his gun, but does not shoot. "This probable bird certainly looks like a female mallard, but I must be sure of what I am killing before shooting. A juvenile Mesopotamian sea duck would look exactly the same!".
(內科醫生舉起了獵槍,但是他沒有開槍. “這個鳥科動物看起來很像母姓綠頭鴨,可是我一定要完全確定後才能開槍,因為幼年的美索不達米亞海鴨有可能看起來跟這隻一模一樣!)

The surgeon goes "look, it flies! Boom", then turns to the pathologist and asks "So, what was it?".
(外科醫生大喊: “大家看,有東西在飛! 碰!”,然後轉身跟身邊的病理醫生說 :” 你幫我看看,那到底是啥玩意兒?”)


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